ACS Doha will host the 2040 Future Skills Event on November 1

25 Oct 2023

News Event
ACS Doha will host the 2040 Future Skills Event on November 1

The 2040 Future Skills Event is being held by ACS Doha at the Theatre of the ACS International School Doha from 5 to 7 p.m. A wide spectrum of worldwide professionals in business, technology, and education will assemble for this intimate event, which has 200 seats, to share their perspectives on the professions of the future and the critical skills that will be needed to succeed in them.

All earnings from the sale of event tickets, which Q-tickets will be handling, will go towards supporting Qatar Charity. For those who wish to assist in preparing their kids for the future and learn insightful and useful information from the keynote speakers at the event, this is a great chance. The keynote speakers at the event will provide parents and kids with invaluable knowledge and insights to help them prepare for their futures. Distinguished speakers on the list include:

  • NEOM's consultant director of schools and education, Pam Mundy; 
  • Global education adviser, KidZania's first global director of education, and the Children's University's founding CEO, Professor Dr Ger Graus OBE;
  • Director of Integrated Technology and Education, Dr. Robert Harrison;
  • CEO and founder of GlobalBridge, Ben Mason

Parents may gain valuable insights on how to better prepare their children for an uncertain world, the skills that will be required for future careers, and how education can help them succeed by attending the ACS Doha 2040 Future Skills Event. Enrol right away to take advantage of this chance to learn important information that will help each student in the future.

Please visit the ACS Doha website to register for the event or for further information.


Event Details:

Event: 2040 Future Skills Event

Date & Time: 1 November 2023

                       5 pm to 7 pm

Venue: ACS Doha International School - Theatre

Tickets: Book Your Tickets Here





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