CSGDB has launched ‘Eskan’ portal to speed up housing services for government employees

27 Sep 2023

CSGDB has launched ‘Eskan’ portal to speed up housing services for government employees

As part of its attempts to undergo digital transformation, the Civil Service and Government Development Bureau (CSGDB) has established the "Eskan" site to expedite housing services for government personnel. Beneficiaries will save time and effort by selecting the ideal housing unit for them, seeing it online, and making a reservation through the portal (ghs.cgb.gov.qa), ensuring a quick and easy transaction. Officials from the CSGDB made the announcements regarding the gateway yesterday during a news conference. Several government departments will initially have access to the platform, according to Jassim Mohammed Talfat, director of housing and government buildings affairs; other agencies will be added later.

As per Talfat, "At the moment, it covers all employees of government agencies who are governed by Human Resources Law No. 15 of 2016 and organisations that employ the "Mawarid" system." The bureau will progressively work with the other government departments to update the database for the Eskan portal's staff so that they may use its services, according to him.

Director of Housing Planning Abdullah Issa Al Hammadi, Director of Privatisation and Follow-up Nasser Nasser Al Nuaimi, and Director of the Information Systems Department at CSGDB Nouf Abdullah Al Marri also attended the press conference.

The portal is important to the CSGDB's goal and duty to care for, develop, improve upon, and invest in the human element, which assures enhanced performance. Government personnel would profit from Eskan services since today, government agencies use the government correspondence system (Tawasul) to send requests for allocation or alteration to the Department of Housing Affairs and Government Buildings. As workers of government agencies registered on the "Mawarid" system are able to utilise the portal directly, the CSGDB will soon offer it the right to use the site and record its employees' requests directly.

The Eskan portal will also make a significant contribution to attaining transparency since it enables all property owners to show their residential units, and because workers of government agencies can choose from among them according to their needs. Additionally, it saves both time and effort. Eskan will make it possible for property owners to directly and without middlemen register new properties.








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