Visitors drawn to the Bogsum pavilion at the 12th Katara Traditional Dhow Festival
05 Dec 2022
News Katara Dhow Festival Bogsum Pavilion
The Bogsum pavilion at the 12th Katara Traditional Dhow Festival has been drawing huge crowds. The festival has become a distinguished destination and a window for visitors to the maritime heritage of Qatar and the Gulf region. The bright and luminous glories of the coasts of Qatar and the Gulf of the past are being enlivened every day.
The many museums at the festival are very informative to visitors as it takes them on a dazzling and bright tour consolidating their love of maritime heritage. Khaled Al Badr, the official in charge of the Bogsum pavilion, whose passion and profession of his forefathers prompted him to establish this museum and has been participating annually at the festival said: “The museum includes equipment and methods that were used by pearl diving people in the past, to show them to the public and visitors from all over the world who visit Qatar to attend the World Cup 2022.”
Al Badr pointed out that the pavilion is displaying the guiding and navigational tools that were used by sailors in the past on the deck of the ship during their fishing and diving trips to know the wind directions and weather conditions - being guided by the location of the stars and planets and their movement during months.
The museum also displays a collection of rare documentary images that highlight the history of football in Qatar and narrate the activities of Al Furjan folk teams and their dirt courts in the past, which embodies the ancient heritage of Qatari football.