A platform for the public to learn about the analysis of non-ionizing radiation frequencies was inaugurated in Qatar
02 May 2024
A platform for the public to learn about the analysis of non-ionizing radiation frequencies in Qatar was established yesterday by H E Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Subaie, Minister of Environment and Climate Change. Through a series of color-coded graphs, the "Non-Ionizing Radiation Index Level" platform gives the general public an easy way to identify markers for tracking radiation levels.
In order to improve people's protection against electromagnetic frequencies emitted by electrical installations, radios, televisions, and cellular networks, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MoECC) has launched the platform on its website.
As one of the elements of Qatar's air quality, the radiation monitoring project succeeded in lowering emissions and putting them within acceptable bounds in compliance with the strictest international regulations.