The Ministry of Labour has launched a package of new electronic and digital services within the framework of its strategy for services digital transformation, and in contribution to achieving excellence in performance, in addition to expeditious accomplishment and streamlining the transactions.
The new package comprises three electronic services, including the new regulation & certificates service, work regulation in the private enterprises, registration service in the joint committees platform, and service of booking election dates for registered joint committees.
The package, which is second of its kind from numerous electronic services, comes within the Ministry’s plan to offering all electronic services without using papers and counting instead on the digital solutions, where the new regulation & certificates service would offer a service to issue regulations and penalties for the enterprises that are subject to the provisions of labour law No. 14 of 2004, their enforced ministerial decision, in addition to issuing statistical and “To Whom It May Concern” certificates for the labourers in the private sector.
In addition, as per new service, the regulations and certificates will be electronically vetted based on limited criteria in congruent with labor law and the its enforced ministerial decisions, the service will, likewise offer the registration either through electronic link or Hukoomi, national document service to be further submitted to the department after the service request is received. However, the fees will be charged within minutes to further complete payment procedures and printing the regulations and certificates.
The Ministry of Labour set the criteria for the enterprises that are willing to amend the penalties regulations, organisation of work and add features or any amendments that are not in contravention to the provisions of the labour law.
Source: The Peninsula Qatar