The Supreme Judiciary Council (SJC) and the Ministry of Labour (MoL) has inaugurated a new headquarters for labour dispute resolution committees on Wednesday, at the SJC building in the Industrial Area. The event was attended by the SJC President H E Dr. Hassan bin Lahdan Al Hassan Al Muhannadi, and the Minister of Labour H E Dr. Ali bin Smaikh Al Marri.
The initiative is aimed at increasing the geographical distribution of the committees and their willingness to provide more facilitation in labour judicial transactions, and the speed of their completion in a short time, under one roof.
It confirms the continued great interest of Qatar in the labour aspect in a distinctive and special way, and the provision of means of support to all workers in the country. It also implements the cabinet decision No. 6 of 2018 on the formation of labour dispute resolution committees, the rules and procedures to be followed before them, and the mechanism for implementing their decisions and determining their remuneration.
The new headquarters includes the presence of a team of judgment enforcement to facilitate their procedures and decisions issued by labour dispute resolution committees, in addition to the presence of five labour committees during the current judicial season working on the settlement of disputes, in addition to choosing the headquarters to be near labour gatherings in the Industrial Area for easy access for more people.