Hayya Platform resets registered guests list; all visitors need to update their accommodation facilities
02 Mar 2023
Qatar residents who hosted family and friends during the FIFA World Cup last year received an email from the Hayya Platform stating that their registered guests list has been reset. The mail entails that residents can now add new guests under their registered property.
Resident Mohammad Kazi confirmed receipt of this email adding that he checked his Hayya platform and the guest list had been cleared. "My relatives who visited during the World Cup are no longer shown in the platform, which means that they will have to add my address in their Hayya application once again, I guess," he stated.
The Hayya application status of family and friends who visited Qatar during the World Cup will not be affected in any manner, as was confirmed in the email.
As a result of this reset, all visitors will again need to update their accommodation facilities and opt for one of the accepted modes of residence, such as Host Family and Friends, a hotel booking or through other accommodation booking platforms, before travelling to the State of Qatar.
The Ministry of Interior (MoI) had announced recently the extension on the validity of Hayya Card, whereby its holders from outside the country could enter Qatar until January 24, 2024.